Welcome to the Colombian Chamber of Commerce
San Diego
20 years

Events -News 2023
Si encuentras algo de importancia para los nuestros pasa la voz Gracias

Consulte su lugar de votación en: https://wsp.registraduria.gov.co/censo/consultar/
Elecciones al Congreso del 13 de marzo de 2022, la fecha límite de inscripción es el 13 de enero de 2022.

Publicado y anunciado en el parque Balboa el día 20 de julio y en las reuniones consecuentes
de la casa de Colombia. Adicionalmente se le enviaron los volantes con la información a Diego Gutiérrez a David Almería, para que los distribuyeran digitalmente a todos los miembros de la Casa de Colombia.
También anunciado por Univision. Radio y la mayoría de las redes sociales.



Histórico momento en donde la casa de Filipinas dejó su espacio en su casita del parque Balboa, dando un lugar a la Colombia para que tenga, su tan esperada casita en el parque, esta será compartida con nuestros hermanos de Francia. Felicidades para todos nuestros
Lamentamos profundamente, el fallecimiento de nuestra querida Natasha Luz Barney, victima del Covid.
Natasha siempre fue una guerrera y lucho hasta el ultimo momento.
Para sus hijas Priscilla Barney, Nathalia Desiree, su esposo Phill. A todos los miembros directivos y asociados de la casa de Colombia. A todos sus amigos y la comunidad Colombiana en San Diego, les ofrecemos nuestros más sinceros sentidos de condolencias. Hemos perdido todos a un ser maravilloso y a una Colombiana ejemplar. Que descanse en Paz.


sábado 12 de Junio a partir de las 10am hora de California.
Totalmente gratis y será transmitido YouTube
Arlette Ramos
Creadora de
Conecto Almas
Nahuel Michalski
Lic en Filosofía
DoctoraNdo en Filosofía Política
Profesor, investigador y comunicador
Responsable de diversos espacios de formación en Argentina y el exterior.
Rene Mey
Humanista, Sanador y vidente
Valeria Frachia
Lic. En psicología
Creadora de @casa_deestudio Espacio de formación en psicoanálisis y filosofía
Erick Vega
Director y Productor de @a_journeywithin
Daniel Madero
Productor de Música y Pianista
Carlos Caridad
Maestro de Reiki
Energy Healer
Marco Ayuso
Coach y Speaker
Creador de #DescubreLoQueTeApasiona
Zahily Azar
Odontóloga e Instructora de el sistema de meditación @ishajudd
Agustín Park
Creador de la experiencia humana Avanzamos Juntos
Antonio Diego
Escritor y Profesor de filosofía en la universidad de Pablo de Olavide en Sevilla, España.
Previo a nuestro torneo de Golf del verano. Representando al Club Rotario Colombo Americano de Los Ángeles. Se disputo un torneo de putting, el cual gano
Carlos Mejia Campeón.

Congratulations to the Rotary Club of Los Angeles Colombo Americano, for another great project. They created a bird painting,
that was sold among friends and family. $ 1500 was collected and will be used in their wonderful charity events.
"Well done Rotary Club."
We are very sad to learn about the sudden passing of our friend and collaborator " Elloy" To all his family and friends our deepest sympathy.

Beloved Friends and Family,
I am writing to you today to let you know about the loss of beloved son, brother, husband and grandpa Eloy Ellis. The passing of Eloy was very unexpected and sudden. We are all at a complete loss of words for this tragic passing.
Eloy passed peacefully at home in his sleep with no pain on 1/1/2021. We are absolutely devastated by Eloy’s passing and are struggling to find the funds to cover the cost of the cremation services and impending financial commitments.
On Wednesday November 18 from 3 p.m to 4 p.m, MyPoint Credit Union will be offering a great webinar on “5 Ways To Boost Your FICO Credit Score”. This will be a great workshop with critical information around FICO score.
Wednesday, November 18th
3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Location: Virtually Online
Topics covered include:
How your credit score is calculated
Credit score factors
What is a good credit score
Important tips for managing and improving your credit score
The impact of your credit score
Guest Speaker:
Matthew Gage, Partner Experience Manager GreenPath Financial Wellness
Register today for this free event!
Once registered, here's what you will need to join the Zoom Webinar:
Meeting ID: 912-4586-4186
Passcode: 498694

Compartimos una invitación de nuestros amigos y colaboradores de la casa de Colombia.
Hola Amigos de la Casa de Colombia, no vamos a permitir que una pandemia nos evite reunirnos y compartir un momento muy Colombiano en el 2020! LOS HERMANOS MONROY.
House of Colombia San Diego

Queremos extender nuestras felicitaciones a nuestra querida y respetada Alicia Gomezjurado de Mendoza. Por su muy merecido reconocimiento por sus largo años de trabajo como embajadora de nuestro folclor, música y danzas a primer nivel. Nos sentimos orgullosos de conocer y tener
entre nosotros un personaje tan especial y reconocemos su loable empeño por enaltecer a nuestra bella patria. Alicita nuestras más sinceras y sentidas felicitaciones. Gracias por todo lo que haces

Creemos en los nuestros,
queremos a Colombia.

Sofía Llano en Garden Grove Ca.
Named the athlete of the month of September

Well done Adrián Llano y Cecilia & Luka Llano, a proud family.
Zoom info: https://zoom.us/j/91690407399
Happy National Colombian 🇨🇴 Coffee Day. Even if there are a lot of things that make us feel proud of our country, the Coffee is our pride flag, if you are in San Diego come to celebrate our flagship product day with us in University Heights location.
Mission Hills - closed weekends

MyPoint presents the Scoop San Diego Ice Cream Relief Week!
Scoop San Diego’s Ice Cream Relief Week will kick off on Friday to support local family-owned ice cream and gelato shops during COVID-19
We are excited to partner with Scoop San Diego's "Ice Cream Relief Week", May 24 - May 31. Scoop San Diego is reaching out to communities to encourage people to support their local ice cream and gelato shops with a delivery or takeout order.
During Ice Cream Relief Week, Scoop San Diego will host a live stream festival jam-packed with exclusive interviews with shop owners from EscoGelato and Handel's Ice Cream, an ice cream happy hour with Bivouac Ciderworks and Mr. Trustee Creamery, along with social media giveaways.
Stella Jeans Ice Cream will create a new San Diego-themed flavor and donate a portion of sales proceeds to Home Start.
“We can all use something to sweeten up our days in quarantine, and our answer is ice cream,” said Daniel Szpak, founder of Scoop San Diego. “Ice Cream Relief Week is our way of giving back to the ice cream and gelato shops that have brought us that joy over the years, and sharing creamy deliciousness with everyone, no matter what their quarantine lifestyle is right now.”
Help support local ice cream shops!
Locally-owned ice cream and gelato shops, as well as small businesses, have been hard-hit during COVID-19. In response, Scoop San Diego is inviting the community to keep local shops alive with takeout or delivery orders during Ice Cream Relief Week starting May 22!
Meet Neiderfrank’s Ice Cream, a Local Shop in Need
More specifically, the organizers were heart-felt when they learned that National City’s iconic Niederfrank’s Ice Cream’s future is in jeopardy. The current owners, Patti Finnegan and Mary Ellen Faught, as with many small locally-owned businesses, have suffered tremendously over the last few months and could use the community’s support to help them stay alive. Since 1948, the shop’s techniques have stayed the same as the original owner, known as the Granddaddy of ice cream in San Diego, Elmer Niederfrank. The owners are hoping to continue that tradition for the next 70 years, but need your help.
“Helping people do is the core of what MyPoint Credit Union is about. After partnering with Scoop San Diego Festival last year, we saw the impact they made in the North Park community. When they approached us, we knew we needed to join in and help,” said Heather Dueitt, vice president of marketing at MyPoint Credit Union. “We are all in this together, and if we see our local businesses thriving, we all thrive. Now more than ever, we need to come together and safely show our support to our friends who have been creating memories for families for decades. These next few weeks are critical to small business owners as they are having to pay June bills and possibly make some hard decisions.”
How everyone can participate virtually!
Follow along at @ScoopSanDiego, @MyPointCU, or #IceCreamReliefWeek on Instagram through the end of May to see updated Q&A live sessions, special flavor releases, giveaways, and more.
Head to their local ice cream or gelato shop between May 22 – 31 and order takeout or delivery. Then share their support by uploading a picture of them enjoying their ice cream on Instagram by tagging the accounts and using the hashtag #IceCreamReliefWeek.
Giveaway prizes include:
Gift cards to local businesses
Free pints of ice cream
An opportunity to collaborate with Gelati & Peccati and develop a unique flavor of ice cream
A MyPoint orange beach cruiser
Local ice cream gift baskets, and more.
Friday, May 22
Ice Cream Relief Week Pre-Party with Instagram Live Set from DJ Rafter Roberts
Sunday, May 24
Instagram Takeover with Gelati & Peccati
Monday, May 25
Facebook Live Sweet Talk Q&A with MooTime Creamery
Tuesday, May 26
Facebook Live Sweet Talk Q&A with GelatoLove
Instagram Takeover with The Baked Bear
Wednesday, May 27
Facebook Live Sweet Talk Q&A with DixiePops
Instagram Takeover with Cor di Gelato
Thursday, May 28
Facebook Live Sweet Talk Q&A with Kula Vegan Ice Cream
Boozy Ice Cream Hour with Bivouac Ciderworks and Mr. Trustee
Friday, May 29
Facebook Live Sweet Talk Q&A with Mr. Trustee
Saturday, May 30
Announcement of Scoop San Diego’s grand prize winner, who will get to create a brand-new flavor of their design with Gelati & Peccati

View full video https://www.cccsd.net/in-memory-of-carlos-dojaquez

April 28, 2020 +
We are very saddened today, for the loss of our good friend Carlos Dojaquez a victim of this terrible pandemic. Carlos participated in our golf tournament. (Jueves de Tigres) A wonderful Dad, a very happy and fun competitor, that will always be missed.
Our deepest sympathy to his wife Irma, his daughters, his dear brother in law David, and all his family. May his soul rest in peace. Carlitos for all the times you share with us, thank you.
Jueves de Tigres & Colombian Chamber of Commerce in San Diego.

Dear Karla & Tanya: We had the honor of knowing him, together we shared wonderful times, his happy, funny, and gentle ways, will always be remembered and missed dearly. On behalf of many that knew your Dad, and other members of our Colombian community. Our deepest sympathy to you, your dear Mom Irma, his dear brother in law David, and all the family. Mao R." Jueves de Tigres"

We want to help the San Diego Blood Bank collect as much blood components as possible. Please join us to help save lives!
We will have a light lunch, giveaways, and more!
Photo ID required. Please arrive hydrated!
Reserve your spot today!

Extendemos nuestros brazos, para felicitar a Carlos Mejía.
Un excelente ser humano y destacado Rotario.
Su trabajo y colaboración en el Rotary Club of Los Ángeles Colombo Americano,
se ha ganado un gran reconocimiento por todos nosotros.
Felicitaciones Carlitos que continúes con tus esfuerzos y tus buenas acciones,en esas loables y magnificas obras del Club Rotario.
Feliz cumpleaños con aprecio y respeto.
Colombian Chamber San Diego.

The Colombian Chamber team, kindly ask you to support Maria's family in this moments of need.
She is the sister of our dear Anita from Antojitos Colombianos.
We Thank you for your help.


Es el momento de apoyar a los nuestros.
Ven a celebrar este nuevo negocio y a conocer
a algunos de nuestros emprendedores sus productos y servicios.
José Antonio Gómez es un panadero profesional con 35 años de experiencia en panadería colombiana, productos y servicios.
Gracias por ser el anfitrión, felicitaciones y muchos éxitos.
Música- Rifas y sorpresas..
A todos los que apoyan las buenas causas.
les extendemos un sincero agradecimiento.
"todos son bienvenidos, pasa la voz"
245 East Main Street, El Cajon.
10 Am to 6:00Pm
pan aliñado con queso, con brevas,
Roscones con Arequipe o bocadillo
Pan de yuca
Pastel de pollo
Tamales estilo tolimense
Empanadas de carne o pollo
Además de toda nuestra repostería italiana y comida
italiana con tradicionales recetas de más de 30 años.
Agradecimiento especial a:
C&B Craft Corp
Antojitos Colombianos Restaurant
Andale Restaurant Bar
Farmers Insurance
Del Rio Professional Cleaning
Essential oils
Living Reiki Institute
Network Funding
YL Procucciones

Andale restaurant Bar Grill
4076 Bonita Rd, Bonita, CA 91902

Andale restaurant Bar Grill
4076 Bonita Rd, Bonita, CA 91902

🍂Ven a "soltar y transformar". Nos reunimos de nuevo en círculo para ser vistas y escuchadas.💓
🗓 Martes 27 agosto/19
📌Lugar: Mission Hills. A 10 minutos del Downtown.
⏰Hora: 7:00 - 9:30 pm
☀Inversión: $20

Es momento de celebrar nuevamente el Día Internacional de La Arepa en Congress Cafe el sábado 7 de septiembre de 8am a 5pm. Ven con tu familia y amigos a devorar tus Arepas favoritas y también probar GRATIS nuestras Guarapitas! No te lo puedes perder! 🥳🇻🇪🎉🎊

Si su cumpleaños es del 1 al 31 de agosto, venga a celebrarlo en nuestra próxima Rumba de aniversario este sabado 24 de agosto y reciba la entrada gratis para usted y su acompañante. Reserve su mesa ahora.

Esta silla fue entregada hace unos días, en el municipio de Génova Quindío a don Gerardo quien tiene parálisis en las piernas.
Ven y celebra con nosotros, la celebración de nuestra independencia el próximo 21 de Julio 2019 en el Parqué Balboa, San Diego , Ca . Tendremos un programa cultural, con música en vivo , danzas folclóricas, comida y bebidas de nuestra tierra. Pasa la voz . Domingo de 11 a 5 pm.

Obras de nuestros amigos del Club Rotario Colombo Americano en LA y el Club Rotario en Armenia.
Apoyamos a los nuestros y las buenas causas.
En Armenia Se acaban de entregar las sillas prometidas. La ceremonia muy concurrida en la Plaza de Bolívar fue oficiada por Walter Gózales nuestro Presidente y el Club Rotario de Armenia.
Un momento emocionante. El orgullo de esta obra tan Noble que fue lograda gracias a los voluntarios y la generosidad de muchos.
G r a c i a s.
Buenas obras de nuestros amigo Rotarios en Los Angeles
Este niño Juan Manuel vive en una vereda de Colombia y tenía necesidad de una silla especial, Roberto y Patricia que residen en Los Ángeles donaron este dinero para este joven. Ahora están en Manizales de vacaciones e invitaron toda la familia a un fin de semana con ellos.

Periódico El Latino / Largest Hispanic Newspaper in San Diego El Latino San Diego Celebra 30 Años | Celebrates 30 Years